Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Think about the word powerless it means without ability, "influence" or power. I so often write on trusting God but today I thought about being powerless as a person not having any "influence" just simply trusting God and allowing no one to "influence" you other wise. After reading a post on Instagram today I realized that the thing I need work on more is trusting God. I can't walk around and say I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus died on the cross for MY sins and rose on the third day and not trust him, that is insane! 

God has all the power he tells the wind which way to blow and has control over everything on this earth. Which means I am powerless, I have no "influence" on God's decisions. Now don't take that out of context I simply mean that we have no control over our lives. We were sent here to do his work for his will. 

So we must stop trying to control people and situations in our lives. Let go of trying to control a person in hopes that they will do what you want them to do. If God wanted you to be involved or with that person he will make certain of that. If God wanted you to have a new car he will make certain of that. Don't rush it. Be silent and still in God's presence and allow him to perform miracles and bring unbelievable happiness in your life. And all at the same time focused on him. I read something today in my daily devotional that said "pray while focusing on God's Greatness, our troubles will shrink to proper proportions." -- see we are praying and focusing on our problems, I always say we because I include myself with every blog I write. Instead we should be focused on who God is and all that he is capable of doing. 

As I write this blog I give my worries to God and know that he knows what's best for my life. He knows what makes me happy and what makes me sad. And unlike like any person in this world, he always and always wants best for you so trust him with your life and realize that you are powerless and the alpha and the omega has all the POWER! 

and said: “ Lord, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you. (2 Chronicles 20:6 NIV)

Love always, 

Kinna 😘

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